Art Talks II
Speaker: Alexandra Dementieva
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Time: 5 PM
Description: How does the artist think.
About the lecturer:

Art Talks I
Speaker: Philip Avetisov
Date: Monday, July 22, 2024
Time: 6 PM
Venue: Zoom Link
Collaboration Possibilities between Artists & Engineers

Some Famous Flows in Fluid Dynamics
Speaker: Aram Karakhanyan, Associate Professor at the University of Edinburgh
Date: Friday, December 22, 2023
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
In this talk a dimensionless and self-similarity analysis will be used to obtain quantitative results about the model solutions for some famous fluid dynamics problems.
Among other things, it will include the Landau solution for the Navier-Stokes and von Neumann's solution for the blast wave after nuclear explosion.
About Speaker:
You can learn more about Aram Karakhanyan via this link - https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aram/

One System - Several Solutions
Speaker: Irina Hussainova, Innovative Materials for Industrial Applications, Tallinn University
Date: Friday, Dec 08, 2023
Time: 5:00PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
The lecture explores the multifunctionality of material solutions demanded by modern industries. Using the substrate of highly aligned nanofibers as a case study, we will delve into its diverse applications across different fields. The lecture will address the fundamental principles of multifunctionality.
Irina Hussainova is a Tenured Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Tallinn University of Technology. Head of the research group “Innovative Materials for Industrial Applications”.

Detection of Lithium Plating in Li-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicle Applications
Speaker: Christos A. Mademlis, Electrical Engineer, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Date: Friday, December 1, 2023
Time: 5:00PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
In the last decade, the lithium-ion battery technology has exhibited significant progress on both material and control, becoming the most widespread solution for energy storage systems such as electric vehicles, mobile phones, and microgrids. Electric vehicles are continuously improved, so as they can completely replace the conventional internal combustion engine vehicles in the near future. However, the energy autonomy and the charging time are considered the two main factors that limit their widespread commercialization. To overcome those limitations, electric vehicles should be equipped with batteries of higher energy density and in relation to the fast-charging capabilities, the material technology should be significantly improved.
It is well known that the capability for fast charging of the lithium-ion batteries is mainly confined by the lithium plating (LP) phenomenon that is a side reaction on the negative graphite electrode. The LP may be owed to the limited intercalation reaction rate at the graphite/electrolyte interface, the limited ion transport in the electrolyte and the solid-state diffusion limitations in graphite particles. In this lecture, a new LP detection method for lithium-ion batteries is presented that can be applied during a constant-current-constant-voltage (CCCV) charging process and along with the voltage relaxation profile (VRP) technique constitute an effective and easy-to-use non-destructive tool.

Some EM Modeling Aspects of Automotive Radar Sensors
Speaker: Karen Kocharyan, Principal Engineer & Lead of EM Modeling Group, Magna
Date: October 13, 2023
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall @ EC
The lecture provides a general overview of Automotive Radar Sensors developed in Veoneer (currently MAGNA Active Safety) and presents a contribution of our EM Modeling Group in development of radar sensors as well as the simulation and testing of signal distortions caused by radar installation in the vehicles.
A part of this presentation will be a brief comparative discussion of various 3D modeling tools utilized for simulating electrically large models.

Engineering and Commercialization for Economic Growth
Speaker: Dr. Fernando Gomez - Baquero, Cornell Tech
Date: October 6, 2023
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall @ the EC
Today engineers are driving not only innovation but also business growth. Engineers are CEOs of the largest publicly traded companies.
Students of engineering are challenged to explore startup creation, but scientific entrepreneurs require unique training that can help them navigate both the scientific and startup languages. In this session I talk about the language of entrepreneurship as a starting point to the journey of scientific entrepreneurship, and give practical advice for scientists and engineers that are looking to start new Ventures.

Ի՞նչ է Եկեղեցին և ինչու՞ Հայոց եկեղեցի
Speaker: Sargis Melkonyan, PhD, Publisher
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Հայության՝ ուղղակի հանրությունից մինչև պետականություն գոյափոխման ընթացքն անցել է տարբեր փուլերով, որոնց ժամանկ մշակութային ազգից քաղաքական ազգի անցման շրջանում ստեղծվել է Հայոց եկեղեցին։ Հետևաբար անհնար է հասկանալ հայկական քաղաքակրթական միավորն առանց Հայոց եկեղեցու ֆենոմենը հասկանալու։
Սակայն, հասկանալու համար Հայոց եկեղեցու իրողությունը, անհրաժեշտ է հասկանալ թե ի՞նչ է առհասարակ Եկեղեցին՝ թե՛ որպես աստվածաբանական կամ բնազանցական իրողություն, թե՛ որպես պատմական և կրոնա-քաղաքական իրողություն։
Ահա այս երկու հարցերին էլ նվիրված կլինի մեր բանախոսությունը։

Speaker: Davit Paryan
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Ծնված օրվանից մենք շփվում ենք աշխարհի հետ, փորձում ճանաչել այն, օգտվել մեր շուրջ եղած բնական և արհեստական, պարզ և բարդ երևույթներից։ Գործածում ենք սկսած փայտից մինչև համակարգիչ և ավտոմեքենա։ Բայց այդ ընթացքում մոռանում ենք մեզ ցկյանս տրված մարմին կոչվող համակարգի ու դրա բարձրագույն կառավարման օղակի` գլխուղեղի մասին։ Ինչպես յուրաքանչյուր համակարգ, մեր օրագաններն ու օրգան համակարգերն էլ ունեն իրենց գործառնական մեխանիզմները և սնուցման ու խնամքի ուրույն պայմանները, որոնցից էլ ուղղակիորեն կախված են դրանց աշխատանքային որակներն ու երկարակեցությունը։
Այս հանդիպմանը կփորձենք մեկ քայլով ևս մոտենալ այդ ճանաչողության մեջ և կծանոթանանք ուղեղի աշխատանքի և պայմանների որոշ դրվագների, կծանոթանանք նաև Brain-Fitness մոտեցման և գրասենյակային շարժողական ակտիվության ձևերին, դրանց առավելություններին և հնարավորություններին։

Fish in a Pond
Speaker: Vatche Sahakian, PhD. Theoretical Physicist.
Organization: Harvey Mudd College
Date: July 26, 2023
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: In recent years, our understanding of the universe and its history has been revolutionized through a series of observational and conceptual discoveries. While addressing profound questions about the origin of time and the makeup of the universe, these advances have also opened up new paradoxes that push physics and science to the edge of philosophy (and sanity). I will discuss this progress in non-technical terms intended for a general audience, and lead up to the anthropic principle and the idea of the multiverse.

Philosophical Dimensions of Antennas
Speaker: Suren Eyramjyan
Company: ATG
Date: Friday, July 21
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: The lecture is intended to open the world of antennas to new perspectives. Apart from the technical view of content, it will be an attempt to discover the essence of antennas and the connections with nature and art.

Computational Physics Software
Speaker: Oshin Peroomian
Date: Friday, July 14, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: With the advent of robust and accurate computational methodologies, engineers, researchers, and technical professionals can simulate complex physics in complex environments (and geometries) reducing the need for expensive experimental studies. Augmenting experimental studies and testing with such simulations directly leads to shorter design cycles and ultimately a reduction in time-to-market.
One such computational methodology is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which involves the simulation of fluid flow on highly-parallel high-performance computing platforms.
Metacomp Technologies, a leading provider of computational physics software, will introduce its CFD++ Software Suite and showcase its many uses and applications in the realm of design engineering in areas such as aerospace, automotive, marine, biomedical, and manufacturing.

Radar Systems for Miniature UAVs, Robust Navigation Systems, AI Based Classification Algorithms
Speaker: Evgeny Ivanov and Ivan Tsarik
Date: Friday, June 30, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall

Testing Autonomous Vehicles
Speaker: Gor Nikoghosyan
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: Gor Nikoghosyan, Solution and Methodology Lead Engineer, will give a lecture on a new approach to the specification of scenarios for testing autonomous vehicles, which is based on abstraction. Additionally, he will cover the impact of this novel methodology on research and development (R&D), verification and validation (V&V), as well as the overall development process.

Optical Fiber Probes for Multi-Spectral Process Control & Medical Diagnostics
Speaker: Dr. Slava Artyushenko
Date: Friday, Oct 28, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: In his presentation, Dr. Slava Artyushenko will provide an overview of art photonics GmbH, one of the worldwide leaders in development and production of specialty fiber products and talk about the latest fiber optic spectroscopy probes for medical and industrial applications.

Modern High-Power RF Transistors
Speaker: Abet Barsegyan
Date: Friday, Sep 07, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall

Science and Technology Trends and The Future of Humanity
Speaker: Artur Galstyan
Date: Friday, Sep 02, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: In his lecture, Artur Galstyan, will analyze the latest trends in science and technology and how they will change the future of humanity.

Analog AI - MOSFET Based Neural Networks
Speaker: Davit Grigoryan
Date: Friday, Aug 26, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: As the limit for digital electronics is being reached, neural networks have taken over the research for AI implementation. However, the ending of Moore’s law would soon halt the development of Neural networks.
To overcome this, many research facilities have turned to an analog hardware implementation which uses a crossbar array to construct the network. Flash memory cells and memristors have been used for the construction of a proposed analogue neural network. During this research MOSFETS are used in the place of memristors to set the weight of the neurons. A crossbar array configuration is used during testing as they have been shown to be the most practical approach for commercialization and their wide use in third generation neural networks (spiking neural networks).

The Neurobiology Behind the Vagus Nerve Stimulator
Speaker: Neurosurgeon, Dr. William Khachatryan
Date: Friday, Aug 12, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: Neurosurgeon Khachatryan will be lecturing on some medical aspects of the nerve cells and of the brain needed for such devices. The following topics and much more will be covered during the lecture: Bio-electrical processes, Nerve Pulse Generation, Neuromodulation.

Risk-Aware Control of Autonomous Robots in Dynamic Environments
Speaker: Astghik Hakobyan
Date: Friday, Aug 05, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: The lecture introduces recent advances in modern control theory, its integration with AI, as well as novel methods for safety assurance in robotic systems. Two state-of-the-art methods called model predictive control (MPC) and meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) will be presented with their application to robot control. Both approaches provide high-performance control actions with safety guarantees. Last but not least, the utility of both methods will be demonstrated via real-world experiments on a restaurant service robot and simulations in an autonomous driving scenario.

“People and Machines” - the Story Behind the Book
Speaker: Alexey Pomigalov
Date: Friday, July 15, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: This winter, NewMag Publishing House in collaboration with DataArt IT Museum published a book titled "People and Machines" dedicated to the history of computers development in Armenia. Authors Alexei Pomigalov, Ilya Korobov and Alexander Andreyev conducted research work with archival materials and ran many interviews with former engineers and scientists to develop the content of the book.
Alexei Pomigalov will be visiting Engineering City this Friday and will deliver a lecture about the book. He will give an overview of the project, will share the story behind the book, explain the research behind it and the challenges they faced throughout the publishing process.

ActiveUptime™ - Innovation and Product Development Story from Yerevan
Speaker: Andranik Meliqsetyan
Date: Friday, June 17, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: During the lecture Andranik Meliqsetyan will provide an overview of ActiveUptime™, share examples from lead users and explain the business model behind it. In addition, he will share their story about going from a simple idea to an officially released product and what are the challenges and specifics of developing an integrated hardware and software solution for global customers within a big organization.

Innovation and Industrialization in Large Organization
Speaker: Aram Kradjian
Date: Friday, June 8, 2022
Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: In his presentation, Aram Kradjian will provide an overview of how innovation and research take place in large organizations - such as automotive companies - and the challenges they face in adopting the results derived form research and/or innovation programs. The lecture will feature multiple examples drawn from his vast experience in the automotive industry.

Introduction to Space Science and Technologies
Lecturer: Artur Galstyan
Date: Friday, June 3, 2022
Time: 5:30 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: During the lecture Artur Galstyan will share and explain basic concepts behind the industry like key scientific principles, shuttle operating principles, type of orbits, type of satellites, various applications of satellites etc.
The lecture is a great opportunity for everyone to build a simple and at the same time solid awareness about the space industry and satellites.

Automotive RADAR Production Test System Release
Lecturer: Gurgen Mardoyan
Date: Friday, May 27, 2022
Time: 5:30 PM
Venue: EC Manufacturing Floor
Description: An Automotive RADAR Automated Production Test System was Designed and Developed by YEA Engineering, which is intended for the End-of-Line testing of newly manufactured Automotive RADARs in less than 3 minutes.
During the session, Gurgen Mardoyan, the program manager of the project, will introduce the system, provide the solution development overview and share some challenges of the implementation.

Creating a Culture of Quality Control
Lecturer: Garik Gharibjanian
Date: Friday, May 20, 2022
Time: 5:30 PM
Venue: Online
Description: This lecture will introduce concepts related to quality control by analyzing modern practices and demonstrating how culture shapes the work environment for better products. Garik Gharibjanyan will provide relevant, real-world examples from his extensive experience in semiconductor design, packaging and testing.

Algorithm-aided Design and the Future of Architecture
Lecturer: Mesrop Andriasyan
Date: Friday, Apr 22
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: Can architects be replaced by algorithms? To what extent? Mesrop Andriasyan, a PhD in an interdisciplinary domain called computational architecture will introduce how technological development is transforming the practice of architects and urban planners. You will see how technology is harvested from other domains and utilized by architects to shape better environments.

Armbionics: The Technology Of Differently Abled
Lecturer: Manvel Grigoryan
Date: Friday, Apr 15
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: Armbionics is one of new tenants in Engineering City. It is an Armenian company developing assistive technologies for upper limbs. The lecture will provide an overview of the company and dive deep into their products and the engineering behind it. In addition, Manvel Grigoryan will explain the importance of the assistive technologies, the vision of Armbionics and the long-term strategy.

Deep Into the Sky - 30 Years of Aerial Filming
Lecturer: Artur Sarkisyan
Date: Friday, April 8, 2022
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: During the lecture Artur Sarkisyan will introduce his multi-professional career and contribution in aviation history. Recently, he has published a book which highlights best moments of his 30 year long aerial filming and also engineering solutions he developed for on-board videography.

ISO 9001:2015 Lecture Series
Lecture 1: Philosophy and Concepts
Lecture 2: Context, Processes, Objectives
Lecture 3: Support and Operation
Lecture 4: Tying Everything Together
Dates: October 27 - November 3, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Hall @ the Engineering City
Contact: info@engineeringcity.am
Description: Preparing engineering companies for ISO 9001:2015 certification.

The Stories of Famous Engineers
Lecturer: Students of Engineering City
Date: Friday, Aug 6, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: The lecture is dedicated to the life, activity, scientific and social contribution of five famous engineers and innovators: Andranik Iosifyan; Avedis Zildjian; Artem Mikoyan; Samvel Kocharyants; Anna Kazanjian.

Initially (Ի սկզբանե)
Lecturer: Arman Nur
Date: Friday, Jul 23, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: Statue of a reader, small book shacks, the symbolic “Seven Sources” fountain in Yerevan Republic Sqaure… These works are some of the creations of designer, jeweler, painter and sculptor Arman Nur. During the lecture, Arman will talk about his philosophy, the present and the future of the Armenian modern art.

To Look At or to See?
Lecturer: Avetik Vardanyan
Date: Friday, Jul 2, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: The way we understand art and culture is very much determined by knowledge that we get through a study of specific directions of art. As a result, by looking at an artwork, we tend to focus on art techniques or historical context and defocus from the artwork by itself. The purpose of this lecture is to draw viewers' attention to methods and skills of seeing the artwork instead of just looking at it. The lecture will be in-person. We will meet at the Museum Lecture Hall.

Learning-Based Optimal Control for Autonomous Systems
Lecturer: Astghik Khachatryan
Date: Friday, June 25, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of Astghik's research on learning based optimal control methods for mobile robots.
The work considers a risk-aware motion planning and control scheme for autonomous systems in dynamic and uncertain environments.
A novel model predictive control (MPC) method is proposed for motion planning and decision-making that systematically adjusts the safety and conservativeness in an environment with randomly moving obstacles. Collision avoidance, motion planning, motion control and autonomous navigation are some practical applications of the research results.

AirWorker - Development of UAVs for Various Applications
Lecturer: AirWorker, Hrayr Hambardzumyan
Date: Friday, June 11, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of AirWorker activities in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles development as well as dive deeper into AW-5 UAV design. You can learn more about the AirWorker via this link. The lecture will be in-person. We will meet at the Museum Lecture Hall.

Imaging and High-Resolution Automotive Radars Validation
Lecturers: Armen Hakobyan
Date: Friday, May 14, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: High-Resolution Imaging Radars represents the next wave of automotive radars development. Such radars operate in far-field range. It makes their validation and characterization very challenging since a very large anechoic chamber is needed to perform all the necessary measurements. Application of Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) helps to overcome these difficulties and make measurements more effective and efficient. This is a methodology that provides convenient testing of RF systems at frequencies where obtaining far-field spacing to the device under test would not be feasible using traditional free-space methods. In addition, High Resolution of Imaging Radars imposes additional requirements to the test system in terms of spatial resolution of target. This lecture will cover those and other Imaging Radar validation problems and provide examples of practical solutions.

Classical Guitar Concert
Date: Friday, May 7, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Science and Technology Music Hall
Description: Classical music is both entertaining and thought provoking. It stirs the imagination, creativity, emotions, and feelings that otherwise wouldn't occur at the same intensity while listening to other forms of music.The concert will be conducted by Eduard Hrmushyan, laureate of international competitions.
In the program, you will enjoy:
- J. S. Bach
- Joaquín Rodrigo
- Johann Kaspar Mertz
- Carlo Domeniconi

Mars 2020 Mission Overview: Perseverance Rover
Lecturers: Armen Toorian, Anais Zarifian, Torkom Pailevanian
Date: Friday, April 23, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: Perseverance Mars Rover was launched on July 30, 2020 at 4:50 a.m. PDT and landed on the surface of Mars on Feb. 18, 2021 at 12:55 p.m. PST. This was a great achievement in space exploration history. During today's lecture Armen, Anais and Torkom will share with us engineering challenges behind this success and particularly the details around integration and test of the rover.

How to Standardize Measurements and Validation in a Global Company
Lecturer: Narek Shukhyan
Date: Friday, April 9, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: Validation Systems usually consist of a huge variety of bench instruments from different vendors. Hence, the reuse/standardization of different aspects of the test (Code, Trainings, Usability, Maintenance, etc...) is hugely affected, forcing double work over many of them.During the lecture we will talk about one of the approaches we took in identifying a Validation System that will be deployed and reused within different sites of the customer company, standardizing their V&V approach and leveraging from characterization to production reuse.

Intelligent Services for Semiconductor Industry #2
Lecturers: Vardan Makaryan, Garo Janir, Andranik Meliqsetyan
Date: Friday, April 2, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: Preventing failures through maintenance actions is critical for systems safety, reliability, and operation cost reduction. Importance of maintenance increases significantly and there is a constant need to increase its efficiency and effectiveness. Prognostics and health management (PHM) methodologies are key enablers in achieving these engineering objectives. We are continuously working towards enabling condition and predictive based maintenance for semiconductor test systems. In this lecture we will share with you where we are in this journey.

Engineering Project Management - Today
Lecturer: Elya Galinyan, Nazareth Kevorkian
Date: Friday, March 19, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of project management in engineering development lifecycles, highlighting the role and responsibilities of the Project Manager, what value he/she brings, defining differences between projects, programs, products and systems, explaining the standard and tailored PM processes and frameworks, while sharing personal experience and opinion.

History of Shadow Theatre in Armenia
Lecturer: Armen Kirakosyan
Date: Friday, March 12, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of the history of this old form of Armenian folk art, discuss traditions of the theatre and contemporary practices.

Camera Data Logging for Driver Monitoring Systems
Lecturers: Thomas Tashjian; Tigran Grigoryan
Date: Friday, March 5, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of Camera Data Logging Solutions for Driver Monitoring Systems and will show how to overcome challenges related to data throughput and logging synchronization.

Financial Analysis in Engineering
Lecturer: Diana Manukyan
Date: Friday, February 26, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of financial analysis in engineering projects, show the interconnection of two disciplines, explain key concepts and provide some practical examples from the industry.

Technology of Design & Design of Technology
Lecturer: fromascope design
Date: Friday, February 19, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: The lecture will be divided into 2 parts. In the first part we will provide an overview process about the use of technology in design and communications and in the second part about the use of design in technology. We will share some examples of the well known brands that revolutionize customer experience.

Ventilator - Journey from Ideation to Engineering Units
Lecturer: Gurgen Mardoyan
Date: Friday, February 5, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of the whole process of the Medical Ventilator project starting from the initial discussions in early 2020 to the compilation of the project with 5 Engineering Units ready. It will cover the challenges the design team faced, the solutions that were given, the tradeoffs and decisions that were made along the way and the possible next steps.

Electrical Vehicle Battery Test
Lecturer: Hayk Voskanyan
Date: Friday, January 29, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: Electric-vehicle batteries are an essential part of electrical vehicles. They define the driving range of cars, they impact cars' safety, longevity, and overall performance. The lecture will provide an overview of electric vehicle battery types, their key parameters, test methodologies and solutions adopted by the automotive industry.

Rebuilding Armenian Engineering & Manufacturing
Date: Friday, January 15, 2021
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall
Description: The presentation will dwell upon life at the Engineering City.

How to Investigate Human Body Reaction to Simultaneous Multiple RF Excitation Waves in MRI Systems?
Lecturer: Dr.-Eng. Ara Yeramian
Date: Friday, December 18, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: In magnetic fields 3 Tesla and higher, employed simultaneous multiple RF excitation sources pose increasing challenges regarding patient safety. Local elevations in temperature measured in terms of the specific absorption rate (SAR) is a concern which could cause human tissue damage. SAR is highly relevant to body tissues which differ among individuals and body types in terms of quantity and distribution. Due to this, SAR investigations are conducted through electromagnetic simulations. For this purpose, personalized virtual models for each individual are required to be generated in efficient manners.
This work establishes the ground for generating such virtual models through computationally fast and efficient methods.

Adaptive Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications
Lecturer: Prof. Victor I. Dzhigan
Date: Friday, December 11, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: Adaptive algorithms and their implementations are widely used in variety of Industries, including Communication and Control systems, Radar and Navigation systems, Acoustics, Intelligent Transportation and Adaptive Test systems. Adaptive filtering is the important part of such applications as electrical and acoustic echo cancellation, communication channel equalization, adaptive antenna arrays, noise cancellation, active noise control, digital predistortion, etc.
This lecture is devoted to understanding of main concepts of adaptive filtering, explanation of main algorithms, such as LMS, RLS, demystifying the use of adaptive filters in practical applications with providing certain examples.

OTA Test Virtual Hands-on for Semiconductor Devices
Lecturer: Mher Minasyan
Date: Friday, September 25, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: During the session OTA Chamber Calibration and DUT Measurements will be explained and demonstrated for mmWave 5G devices.

Electric Vehicle Power Components Overview and Design Challenges
Lecturer: Armen Harutyunyan
Date: Friday, September 18, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: The lecture will provide an overview of EV/HEV and Fuel Cell Vehicle development processes, architectures and system design considerations. Both theoretical and practical aspects will be covered. EV/HEV and Fuel Cell Vehicle related education challenges will be discussed and a pilot project of EV Power Components Study Lab will be presented.

Armenian Calligraphy
Lecturer: Ruben Malayan
Date: Friday, September 11, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall at the Engineering City
Meeting Link: meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: During the lecture, Ruben Malayan, will provide an overview of Armenian calligraphy and typography, explain specifics and share some great examples of Armenian calligraphy art, discuss the practical and cultural importance of calligraphy.

Medical Device 'Design Control' Process
Lecturer: Frederick Melikian
Date: Friday, September 4, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Meeting Link: meet.google.com/fom-eimm-jtd
Description: The lecture will provide an introduction to the Design and Development, Testing, and Verification and Validation of Medical Devices and Applications, per Regulatory and Quality Processes and Standards.

Wafer Level Reliability Test
Lecturer: Narek Shukhyan
Date: Friday, Aug 28, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: The lecture will cover the following topics:
- Fundamentals of wafer level reliability
- Wafer level reliability assessment methodologies
- Key measurements required for the assessment
- Wafer level reliability test solutions and technologies

IC Power and Performance Characterization
Lecturer: Armen Kirakosyan
Date: Friday, July 24, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: The lecture will cover the fundamentals and technical challenges of current measurements ranging from microamperes to several Amps and the setup considerations to achieve accurate and repeatable measurements in semiconductor power characterization applications.

Applications of UWB Technologies
Lecturer: Aram Soghoyan
Date: Friday, July 3, 2020
Time: 5PM
Venue: Online
Description: The lecture will cover the introduction of recently introduced UWB technology and related applications like smart vehicles access, robotics, indoor localization, and other.

Communication Systems Prototyping and Emulation

Lecture on Smart Services for Semiconductor Test Systems

Lecture on Control Processes in the Human Respiratory System

Lecture on the Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation

Lecture on ADAS Sourcing Test Data

Lecture on 5G Over-the-Air Test
Lecturer: Mher Minasyan
Date: April 10
Time: 3:00 PM
Venue: On-line

Lecture on Automotive IC Test Systems
Lecturer: Gurgen Mardoyan
Date: April 3, 2020
Time: 3:00 PM
Venue: On-Line

Lecture on National Dance
Lecturer: Emma Petrosyan
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Time: 6:30 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall at the Engineering City

Lecture on Ancient Calendars
Lecturer: Grigor Brutyan
Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Time: 6:30 PM
Venue: Museum Lecture Hall at the Engineering City

Lecture on Language

Lecture on Epics